
[스크랩] 긴급 대피령!!!

자유지향 2010. 5. 26. 13:14


아톤: 긴급 대피령!!!
서사모아, 플로리다주, 애리조나지역!

나는 대문앞을 빗자루로 쓸며 메세지를 전달받았다.
그리고 일촉을 재촉하는 너무도 긴급한 메세지였기에 빗자루를 잠시 놔둔채로 고무장갑을 벗고 빠르게 전문을 올리고 있음이다!

서사모아지역이 어디인지 모른상태에서 전문을 받으며 wave 임창록님에게 그곳이 어느지역인지를 전화로 물었다. 역시 남태평양의 주요지점이었으며 그 이야기를 나누면서 영상으로 레무리아 대륙이 반응하고 있는 것이 잠시 보였다. 하늘을 올려다보니 에너지장이 바뀌어있었으며 한국에서 본 하늘이 태평양의 하늘에너지를 함께 하고 있음을 느끼며 밀려오는 파도의 영상이 잠시 나에게 보였다. 도시를 덮는 파도!

혜정님받는 아톤의 이 전문은 높은 다소 높은 수준에서의 전문이며, 함대에 전달되는 메시지와 거의 동시에 받습니다.

그러나 현실에서의 드러남은 주파수와 정보에서 다소 시간의 차이가 있는데, 그러나 이는 많은 차이를 만들지 않으며, 긴급전문일 경우라도 대피와 안전에 관한 고려를 하여 발표하고 있음을 감안하시기 바랍니다.

저는, 지상승무원 구성에 관한 논의를 어제 Esu 함장과 상의했고, 그에 대해 정리되면 올릴 것입니다.

캔데이시 대표는 알려지지 않는 단층대, 피지섬 인근, 통가근처, 그리고 미국령인 서사모아섬 일대의 계곡 등에서 움직임을 알렸습니다.

만약 솔텍Soltec으로부터 비교적 상세한 지질 정보가 얻어지면, 알릴 수 있을 것입니다.

저는 옥상에서 달라진 대기와 광선의 압력을 느낄 수 있었습니다. 참고로 제 몸은 완전한 빛의 수준의 주파수까지 현재의 육체로 진동이 가능한데, 현재는 약 750MHz 정도 수준이며 다시 올리고 있습니다. 참고로 캔데이시 여사는 950MHz 정도, 그리고 텔레파시를 수신하는 혜정님이 약 730MHz 정도 추정이며, 그러나 비교적 조율이 잘 되어 있습니다. 혜정님은 꾸준히 육체의 주파수를 올렸고, 최근 약 3개월 동안에 빛의 수준까지 올렸습니다. 나는 언제나 기회가 주어지면 생체주파수 측정결과를 공개하려고 하고 있으나, 늘 여의치 못합니다. 그러나 애써 꼭 그래야할 필요를 갖지 않아서이기도 합니다.

완전한 빛의 육체는 광선으로 이동시, 분해되어 재조립되어도 다시 원형을 유지하는 정도의 수준을 의미합니다. 대체로 잘 조율된 육체를 가진 보통사람은 부양광선 탑승시 아프지 않을 수도 많이 아플수도 육체를 버릴 수도 있습니다. 이에 관련 내용은 다시 다루겠습니다.

서사모아 관련 캔데이시 여사 글은 하단에 붙입니다.




Location of the "unknown Fault"
By Candace
May 25, 2010 - 3:12:41 PM

Ok, some of you know I have 2 craft above my home at all times and these are of course staffed by real folks, often people from my last home planet of Myrua of Merope of Pleiades. I call these folks "my guards." They are real and are not angels, but have bodies of higher vibration than we have. They are invisible unless they need to be visible. I am always escorted personally when I walk or drive anywhere. I can very easily FEEL their higher energy when one is down walking with me. Besides guarding me, they also take care of my computers and I have heard them typing at night when working on my laptop. on my old desktop in my office, they often left clues they had been there. My communication is obvious telepathic with them.

I often have discussions with them. They have become friends. It various who is on duty, as all need some time off and they rotate. There are always 4 of them, two in each small craft. And to the thugs out there, they can and have sent some unsavory types to the other side, as necessary.
Well, recently I was picking the brain of the gal out walking with me that day, about where this unknown fault line is out there in the south Pacific. So I was told it was east of the trench that runs just east of Tonga. Well, I had no idea there is a trench there, there is only a large red fault line on USGS website.

There is a trench there, a big one. I was told the fault line runs somewhat from the southwest to the northeast, and it is east of the Trench. Well, today my curiosity got the best of me when I was looking at a new website (well, it's new to me) that shows where the buoys and Tsunami detectors are. It's the National Data Buoy Center.

http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/index.shtml AND it has a Google Map Feature and you can enlarge the area to look at the underwater structures. Do start by enlarging the map at least 4 marks, so they island names will show when you get there.

So I panned over to the area east of Australia and yep, there is a BIG trench on the east edge of Tonga just as "Latrinea" my friend for years now, told me. I will just call it the "Tonga Trench" as I have no idea if it has a name. Interestingly, the International Date Line goes thru there too. That's where the new day starts. Kinda appropriate that our new days will start with a massive quake in this region!

OK, go to the above website and pan west until you are east of Australia and find the Tonga Trench and Tonga itself. It's not that hard. As above, you must have the map enlarged. Now my guards have computers with ocean floor maps aboard, so we were able to work this out together. This unknown fault line runs more or less parallel to, but east of the Tonga Trench.

The Tonga Trench and Tonga is east of Fiji. Now find the little Island called Nieu east of Fiji. on this map it looks more like Nleu. It is northeast of Tonga. That is the southern end of this unknown fault.The coordinates are roughly 19.19 S 169.85 West. Or -19.19 & -169.85 Wherever your mouse pointer is, the coordinates are given, so that is what I used. Understand these are APPROXIMATE, according to my eyes and the information Latrinea gave me.

That little island appears to be the top of a good sized volcano. This fault in fact is a chain of volcanoes that are all interconnected. As you enlarge Google maps, these are very obvious and form a line, more or less. At this southern point of the fault, there are also east west faults that are visible tho of course not marked as such, going over to the Tonga Trench.

Now pan north to the islands of America Somoa which is just above where the Tonga Trench turns west towards Australia. Now move east a bit to an island called Olosega, and you may have to enlarge the map some more for it to show. Now move east another inch of so, on the first size that shows Olosega. The coordinates are about 14.24 S & 167.5 W or if you are used to it, -14.24 and -167.5. This is the northern end of the Fault. For further reference it is roughly straight east of where the Tonga Trench turns west.

Now enlarge the map some more and look at those volcanoes more near the southern end and the mountain range, or so it appears to me at the northern end. Those are pretty big mountains and volcanoes. This is a chain of volcanoes that have interlocking magma chambers. And these magma chambers are quite "full" and under a lot of pressure. There is a fault running thru all of this.
There are multiple magma chambers and fault lines going east and west to the Tonga Trench. These event, when it happens will also thus affect the Tonga Trench and anything else in the region connected to it. I am told this is HUGE and will unleash with much Fury.

I did a meditation this afternoon and near the end I was shown a fast "mind movie" as Eve likes to call them of this area, and the sun again, with CME's and also the whole South American continent which will have a lot of problems, because this huge expected event, if it is the size predicted, 10 or so, will shake the whole earth (even 8's do that) and with the activity also building up in the Mid Atlantic Ridge (hey, I should pan over there and look at it too, just thought of that), if that goes, both sides of South America will have some problems, as well as any other place in the way.

Remember that when a quake occurs, the energy travels in rings outward, much the same as when you toss a pebble in a quiet pond or puddle. Much the same as those coronal rings you can see emanating form the sun if you sungaze near dawn or dusk.

After I checked the above out and determined the coordinates, I decided to go to USGS and check the quakes. I remembered there was a Tonga quake recently, which was yesterday, actually on UTC days, now two days ago as I write this, and clicked on the map, which took me to this link. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Maps/10/190_-15.php

Well the big fault line there, runs in the Tonga Trench. Now if you look east of Tonga, you see the little Island Niue there and you can see the bumps running from there northeast to east of Pago Pago, That is the area of the unknown fault line on this map, but it doesn't have the detail you can see at the Buoy Site above.

While on the buoy site, I panned over to the Gulf of Mexico and had some fun there. Now on to the Mid Atlantic Ridge! This was fun and interesting. Enjoy. It sure pays to have some buddies hovering in craft over my house! They have uncloaked a few years ago, one of the craft in the evening so I could see it's lights. They flew it all sorts of impossible directions so it was NOT a plane or helicopter, way to fast! I have never asked them to uncloak a craft again, it is risky to do so. once was enough.