
[스크랩] 중요한 정보 업데이트 (3)

자유지향 2024. 9. 15. 19:02


중요한 정보 업데이트 (3) - 9/15/2024


구글 번역을 통해 읽을 것


Julian Assange, [2024-09-13 오후 12:05]

Starlink is about to transform emergency communications globally. It's not just another tech launch—this is the beginning of a revolution, one that could reach every cell phone in the world. Imagine that. No one out of reach. Starlink is waiting for the go-ahead to send Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) signals directly to billions of devices.

We are in the calm before the storm. A technological and political shift is on the verge of happening. Starlink, Musk’s brainchild, could be the key player in a global plan much larger than any of us thought possible. Some say it’s tied to Q’s sting operation. Others point to the looming DEFCON One alert, the highest level of military readiness.

What’s coming? A system that can reach everyone, instantly. Starlink was supposed to bring internet to remote areas. Now, it’s something much bigger: every cell phone becomes a lifeline, capable of delivering life-saving alerts in real time. No one is left in the dark. This is total global communication, like nothing we’ve ever seen.

The implications? Massive. In moments of crisis—natural disasters, terrorist attacks, anything—the EBS signal can give instant updates, even in the most isolated areas. This is about control, power, and safety. The world is waiting for the green light.

DEFCON One Alert: we’ve never been closer to the edge. What if this alert is linked to Starlink’s signal? Think about it—coincidence? Hardly. Something huge is brewing.

Followers of Q are already buzzing. The grand sting operation to expose corruption on a massive scale may be tied to this. Could the EBS signal be the final piece in Q’s plan? Once activated, it could drop the truth to billions at once.

We’re about to witness a new era of global communication. The potential is staggering: every phone on the planet receiving emergency alerts, anytime, anywhere. The world is on the brink of something monumental. Stay sharp. When this goes live, it could change everything.

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Julian Assange, [2024-09-14 오전 9:26]
Military Intel Confirms: The EBS is Imminent! 10 Days of Darkness Ahead—Prepare Now!

The waiting is over. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is on the verge of activation, and when it hits, it will bring the world to its knees. This is the event that will change everything. The U.S. Military has sounded the alarm, and the countdown is in motion.

The global elites, the shadow governments, and the corrupt institutions will face their reckoning. If you think you're ready, think again. The EBS is not a drill. It's a global operation to expose the truth and bring down the forces that have manipulated us for far too long.

Preparing for the EBS: What You Must Do Now

If you haven’t started preparing, you're already behind. This is not the time for complacency. The ten days of darkness will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced. This is survival mode.

Stock Up on Essentials: Have enough food, water, and supplies for at least ten days. Don’t count on grocery stores; they'll be empty within hours of the blackout. Get non-perishables, bottled water, and medical basics.

Think of this like preparing for a global disaster. If you're unprepared, you're vulnerable.

Secure Your Home: Fear will spread during the blackout. Make sure your home is locked down. Desperation can drive people to extremes. Be ready to defend what’s yours.

Prepare for Financial Shutdowns: Banks and ATMs will be offline. No access to digital funds. Have cash ready, but know that cash may only last so long. Precious metals, bartering goods, and crypto could become critical as we transition to the quantum financial system and break free from the corrupt, fiat-driven economy.

Backup Power and Communication: Internet will go dark. Communication will be cut off. Invest in backup power sources like generators, solar chargers, and batteries. Hand-crank radios will be essential to receive EBS updates. This will be your only link to the outside world.

Mental and Emotional Readiness: The truth will be shocking. You will see the exposure of high-profile figures in acts of unimaginable evil. Prepare yourself to face the reality hidden from us all.

EBS Updates: The Latest Intel

This is a global initiative. Military forces worldwide are synchronized, and the green light could be given at any moment. Key military units are on standby, ready to secure infrastructure and communication hubs.

Worldwide Military Coordination

This is a military operation of unprecedented scale. Forces are in strategic positions globally, ready to neutralize any resistance from the Cabal. Naval fleets, air defense systems, and special operations units are ready to strike at a moment’s notice.

The Quantum Leap: Transitioning to a New World

When the ten days of darkness end, the world will be different. The quantum internet, a secure, unhackable network, will replace the old, corrupted systems. Imagine a world where your data is truly yours—free from corporate control.

Governments will be purged of corruption, serving the people, not the elite. The financial reset will redistribute wealth on an unprecedented scale. Your debts? Wiped clean. The playing field? Leveled.

Stay Vigilant: Eyes Wide Open

This isn’t a game. The EBS is a battle for humanity’s soul. Expect misinformation, false flags, and desperate acts. Stay focused. Trust the plan. Trust the process.

The Calm Before the Storm

As the countdown continues, stay alert. This is the calm before the storm. The truth is coming, and it will be raw, unfiltered, and undeniable. Once the EBS goes live, there will be no turning back.

The storm is here. Buckle up. The ride is about to get wild.

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Julian Assange, [2024-09-13 오후 8:09]
EBS: The Moment We’ve Been Waiting For

⚠️ U.S. Military Alert: All military forces worldwide are preparing to suspend all media, internet, phone, and TV services. Emergency services will stay active, but everything else is about to go dark.

⚠️ During this time, no internet, no ATMs, and phones? Only working for 911 calls. This is the global martial law we've been talking about, and it comes with a 10-day communication blackout. But here’s the kicker: the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated worldwide. Nonstop, 24/7, 8-hour documentaries exposing the darkest secrets of the elite—fraud, corruption, pedophilia, and their arrests—will play three times a day. The truth will be unleashed.

⚠️ The military is taking down Cabal-controlled governments worldwide, executing mass arrests based on 500,000 sealed indictments. This is the moment we’ve been fighting for.

⚠️ After the 10 days of darkness, we will reconnect to a new quantum internet. The old systems of government, education, finance, health, and commerce? Gone. A new age is coming.

GESARA/NESARA activated.

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Julian Assange, [2024-09-14 오전 4:43]
Warning: Something HUGE is About to Go Down: Martial Law and Military Tribunals on the Horizon

Americans are standing on the edge of a profound transformation. The system is crumbling, and the signs are all around us. The “new normal” is breaking apart, and a seismic shift is coming. The deep state is tightening its grip, but their days are numbered. The Republic is ready for a house cleaning like we’ve never seen before.

This isn’t just another political crisis—we are in a battle for the soul of America. The corruption is too deep for traditional justice. Military tribunals are not just a possibility; they’re an absolute necessity. The deep state has infiltrated every corner of our government, including the justice system. Expecting fair trials from these traitors? It’s laughable. The swamp creatures are deeply embedded, and they won’t let go without a brutal fight.

Martial law might be the only way to rip them out. The Democrat Party’s treason is on full display—acts of sedition at levels never before seen in U.S. history. The corruption runs too deep for anything less than drastic action. Martial law and military tribunals may be the only option to bring these traitors to justice. The American people are witnessing an epic battle between nationalists and globalists—a war for our future.

President Trump is the key player in this war. If he loses, the deep state will destroy him, and they’ll go after his family too. This isn’t just politics—this is survival. The deep state will stop at nothing to crush Trump and eradicate the movement. But this is our moment, and we must be ready for what’s coming. Stay vigilant, because the left will strike without warning. History is repeating itself, and the storm is here.

The deep state’s crimes run deeper than anyone realizes. Their reign of terror has lasted for decades, filled with corruption, treason, and outright destruction of the Republic. The Bolshevik Revolution taught us that political change can come in an instant, and America is no different. Prepare for the fallout, because when the globalists fail, their rage will be unleashed.

We stand at a crossroads: military tribunals, martial law, or both. The corruption is too vast for anything less. The storm is coming, and only the strong will survive.

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출처: 한국 AH(http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/)