
[스크랩] 치유의 방

자유지향 2024. 3. 20. 16:17


로지의 새로운 그림 "치유의 방"

Rosie's New Paining "THE HEALING ROOM'







40 x 120 cm, acrylics on canvas, Rosie Jackson 2024

This painting depicts a peaceful space of idyllic beauty and high frequency in the middle of nature which is ideal for healing from past trauma. A man relaxes in the central pool which is saturated by divine light. The river is also a cleansing agent. A woman is in meditation and a man is in prayer: both feel their deep connection to their divine inner selves. The painting is populated by birds which symbolise ease of movement and freedom. The flowers and trees have healing properties or symbolic significance. The many spirals stand for transformation. The sky contains spaceships containing galactic observers who have healing technology to which we will later have access. The Christed Cross and the Trinity symbol remind us that we are on a spiritual journey. The harp and the gong are symbols of sound and music which are powerful spiritual tools. The candles and lanterns symbolise the light of hope and the radiance we are aiming to become.

Crane – symbol of wisdom, insight, beauty, harmony and positive change

Eagle – symbol of courage, honour and determination

Hoopoe – sacred bird in ancient Egypt, symbol of virtue in Persia

Koi fish – symbol of strength, courage, patience, and success through perseverance

Rose – symbol of healing and balancing heart and mind

Passionflower – symbol of calm and well-being

Gingko tree – symbol of resilience, healing, longevity, peace, hope, and vitality

Olive tree – symbol of peace, reconciliation, cleansing and healing



출처: 한국 AH(http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/)