
[스크랩] 중력의 이해

자유지향 2008. 10. 7. 12:47

<앞에 게재된 'ufo 운행' 내용 중복>




영적 혁명을 위하여 !! 중력의 이해 



지구의 사람들은 (과학적인것에 관심을 가진 분들은) 존재하지 않는 무엇인가를 상상하고 있습니다. 중력이란 것은 복합적 현상을 잘못 해석한 것에 불과합니다.

Q: What? Doesn't gravity exist?
    중력이란 것이 존재하지 않습니까?

그것은 존재하지 않습니다. 과학에서 부르는 중력이란 것은 물질의 밀도 차이에서 오는 것일 뿐입니다. 설명을 하자면; 담배연기는 주변의 공기보다 무겁습니다. 그러나 담배연기는 뜨겁기 때문에 위로 떠오릅니다. 이것은 밀도의 차가 연기의 온도에 의해 보상되었음을 말합니다. 그러므로, 이 현상에서 두 개의 요소가 관련되어졌습니다; 밀도와 온도입니다.

우리는 수소가스로 가득찬 풍선이 떠오르는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 가스의 량에 따라 달라집니다만. 헬륨에 있어서도 마찬가지입니다. 이 것이 설명하는 바는, 밀도가 상대적으로 작은 물질은 항상 떠오를려고 하며, 같은 식으로 물과 기름은 분리되고, 이것은 밀도 때문입니다: 중력은 밀도가 낮은 물질이 떠오르는 것을 막지 않습니다. 밀도가 낮은 공기중에서, 무거운 물질은 빨리 떨어지고, 공기보다 밀도가 높은 물속에서는 그 물질은 보다 천천히 떨어집니다. 중력에 영향을 미치는 세 번째 요소는 대기의 질량과 그 행성을 둘러싸고 있는 에테르입니다; 하지만 이것도, 밀도의 한가지 요소로 포함되어질 수 있습니다. 행성으로부터 확장되어있는 대기권의 크기와 그 밀도를 알지 못하고 그 행성의 중력이 크다 또는 작다라고 하는 것은 잘못된 것입니다. 예를들어 토성의 경우, 자체의 대기권이 없기 때문에, 중력은 제로로 볼 수 있습니다. 목성의 경우, 매우 희박한 대기를 가지고 있기 때문에, 완전히 다릅니다. 낙하하는 물질은 매우 높은 초기 가속를 갖고 떨어지다가 행성의 낮은 밀도와 충돌합니다. 하지만 수성의 경우, 그것을 둘러싼 에테르체가 600,000km까지 확장돼 있기 때문에, 대기압은 매우 높으며 그러므로 엄청난 중력을 가지고 있습니다.

중력에 영향을 미치는 네 번째 요소는 자기력의 수직요소입니다. 그러나 물질을 잡아당기는 이 힘은 거의 차이가 없어서, 어떤 물체건 거의 비슷하게 작용합니다. 그러므로 진공중에서 떨어지는 힘은 일정합니다. 그러나 이 인력은 질량 때문이 아니고, 물질 전체가 받는 자기력 때문입니다.

마지막으로, 당신에게 전에 말한 바와 같이 우리의 은하계를 관통하고 우주 전체에 걸쳐 압력으로 작용하는 에너지가 있습니다. 물질은 모든 방향으로부터 압력을 받을 수 없기 때문에, 지구는 항상 이 압력에 대해서 한 쪽 면만을 방호하고 있습니다. 물질은 그 것에 작용하는 힘의 차이를 인지하고 지구의 표면을 향해 떨어집니다.

이 무한대의 우주적 압력은 우주의 영원한 곳에 있는 신의 진동의 결과이고, 행성의 대기를 유지하는 실체입니다.

대기압의 거대한 힘을 이용해서 우리는 원반을 추진시키고, 가스는 지속적으로 확장될려는 성질이 있으므로 행성을 둘러싸고 있는 대기는 외부로부터 가해지는 압력이 없이는 유지될 수가 없는것입니다.

뉴턴이 사과가 떨어지는 것을 보았을 때, 그는 우주에 충만해있는 신성한 힘을 상상못했습니다. 그러므로 신의 존재 안에서 우리가 움직이는 것입니다.

그러므로 중력은, 여러 가지 현상의 복합일 뿐 독립적인 힘이 아닙니다.

열이 왜 중력에 영향을 미칩니까?

그것은 열이 물질의 자력을 감소시키기 때문입니다. 자석은 뜨거워지면 그 성질을 잃어버립니다. 물질은 정적인 파동으로 이루어져있기 때문에, 열은 효과적으로 영향을 미칩니다. 이들 파동의 주파수를 증가시킴으로써 그것들은 빛을 방출합니다. 더하여, 열은 물질의 밀도를 감소시킨다는 것은 잘 알려진 사실입니다. 그러므로, 이것은 떠오를려고 합니다. 이것은 끓는 물에서 가장 쉽게 관찰할 수 있습니다.

따뜻한 물은 찬물의 위로 올라갈려고 하고, 이것은 흐름을 발생시킵니다. 우리는 열이 중력에 영향을 미치는 요소임을 알고 있고, 그것은 열이 중력현상에 직접적으로 관여해서가 아니라, 자기력과 밀도에 영향을 주기 때문입니다.

그것은 지금의 과학이 잘못돼었다는 뜻인가요?

매우 잘못되어 있습니다.

그렇다면 상대성운동같은 우리의 모든 물리법칙이 폐기되어야 하는건가요?

오류가 있는 원칙만이 폐기되어야 합니다. 다른 것은 분명 가치있게 남아있습니다. 이런 일이 일어나야만 하는 것이 이상합니까? 프톨레마이우스(천동설 주장)는 천재였습니다. 그러나 그의 모든 체계는 한 뭉치의 카드처럼 무너졌습니다. 똑같은 일이 아리스토텔레스에게도 일어났습니다. 바꾸어 말하면, 아이작 뉴턴은 상대성운동의 물리법칙으로 우리에게 다가왔지만, 그의 날짜는 얼마남지 않았습니다.

하지만 상대성 운동은 수성궤도의 불규칙성을 설명해줄 수 있지않나요?

설명해줄 수는 있지만, 합리성에 대한 의문은 남습니다.

그렇다고 가정하더라도, 우리는 자연이 그러한 방법을 사용하는가, 즉 자연의 방법에 부합되는가를 알아볼 필요가 있습니다. 우리는 수천의 논리적이고 합리적인 가설을 발전시킬 수도 있지만, 자연은 오직 한가지만을 사용하거나, 다른 것은 거부할 수 있습니다. 하지만 그것은 합리적으로 보입니다; 또는 그러한 것들 중 하나도 사용하지 않을 수도 있습니다.

상대성 운동은 합리적인 것 처럼 보이지만 몇가지 오류를 포함하고 있으며, 제임스 진 경의 관점에서 보면, 무시되어있습니다. 예를들면, 만약 두 개의 광선이 같은 방향과 속도로 진행을 하면, 그들 상호간의 상대속도는 제로라는 것이 널리 인정된 이론입니다; 반대로 그 둘이 만약 반대방향으로 움직이면, 그들 상호간의 상대속도는 2V가 됩니다. 하지만 아인슈타인은 자신의 이론이 당면하는 어려움을 극복하기위해 빛의 방향이 어느쪽이든 그들 사이의 속도는 항상 V라고 주장했습니다.

이 원리가 잘못되었다는 것을 알기위해 많은 상상력이 필요치 않습니다. 이 오류를 증명하기위해, 아인슈타인은 또다른, 더 큰 것을 창안했습니다; 그는 움직이는 물체는 그 속도에 비례되는 공간과 시간개념을 갖는다고 했습니다. 그러나 하나의 오류가 인류를 더 큰 오류로 이끌었습니다. 그는 이제 두 번째의 오류를 정당화하기위해 세 번째의 아이디어를 창안했습니다; 그는 우주의 경계를 설정하고, 우리만을 위한 특정한 공간을 표시했습니다. 그러나 자연은 가상의 굴레를 무시할 뿐아니라, 우주가 특정한 관점에 순응해야만 한다는 우리의 욕망과 생각의 도출물에 대해서도 무시합니다. 자연은 해밀톤의 계산과 지구의 사람들이 방정식에 갖다맞추는 것에 대해 완전히 무시하는 행태를 보입니다.

간단히 말해, 아인슈타인의 선구자적 이론은 자연의 무한성을 담아내기에는 너무나 폭이 좁다는 것을 당신은 알 수 있습니다. 공간은 나누어질 수 없고 시간은 실재하지 않습니다. 시간은 별들의 운동에 근거한 개념일 뿐입니다. 시간은 단지 하나의 효과일 뿐입니다.

만약 물체의 움직임, 또는 물질의 가속이 힘 때문이라면, 시간은 힘의 한가지 효과이고 힘은 원인입니다. 그러나 그 힘이 다양하게 작용하고 또 소모되어진다면, 시간은 그에따라 다양해집니다. 자 이제, 공간은 일정하고, 당신이 일정한 시간과 공간을 창조한다는 것이 얼마나 어려운 것인가를 알고, 그 자체로서의 차원을 인정해봅시다. 이것은 자연이 이러한 것을 무시한다는 한가지 예입니다. 두 개의 차원을 곱하면 넓이가 됩니다; 넓이에 높이를 곱하면 공간이 됩니다; 이제, 이 공간에 네 번째의 차원을 곱하면, 우리는 넌센스만을 갖습니다. 우주 공간에서는, 물체는 4차원,3차원, 2차원, 1차원을 여행하지 않습니다. 왜냐하면 우주는 자체가 무한 대이며, 어떤 차원도 가지고 있지 않기 때문입니다. 우리는 단지 물질이 A지점에서 B지점으로 이동할 때 그 방향의 힘을 받는다고 말할 수 있습니다.

지금까지 아인슈타인의 움직이는 물체는 그것만의 자체적인 시간을 갖는다는 말은 맞습니다. 그 이유는 만약 누군가 지구를 떠난다면 지구상의 국지적 시간과는 다른 변화가 생기기 때문입니다; 그러나 기본적으로 그는 틀렸습니다. 시간은 어떤 움직이는 물체가 출발지점으로 돌아왔을 때를 기준으로 합니다. 그러므로 시간은 순환운동의 결과입니다. 그는 모든 움직이는 물체는 그것만의 독특한 공간을 생성한다는 가정을 하여 더 큰 오류를 지어냈습니다.

수성 궤도의 세차운동으로 이 이론이 성립되었지만, 이것은 행성이 태양과 근접해있는 것이 원인입니다. 수성이 태양에 가까이 갈수록, 그것은 더 많은 빛을 받고, 더 빨리 회전하여 더 빠른 속도로 우주공간을 움직이는 것입니다.

그렇다면, 빛의 굴절에 대해서는 어떻습니까. 1919년 5월 29일 일식시 에딩턴, 크로멜린과 데이비슨에 의해 관측된 현상은 아인슈타인의 이론을 뒷받침하는데요?

빛의 굴절은 태양의 질량이 작용하여 발생된 것이 아니고, 태양계의 자기중심이 태양의 부근에 있기 때문에 발생된 것입니다. 흔히 솔레노이드 내부에서도 전자의 흐름이 자기장에 의해 구부러지는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 이것은 전혀 새롭지 않습니다. 만약 빛이 질량의 주변에서 구부러진다면, 이 현상은 각 행성들의 주변에서도 명확히 관측되어야만 합니다. 화성을 예로 들면, 이것이 지구와 가까울 때입니다. 월식은, 예를 들면, 그러한 관측에 가장 좋은 기회를 제공합니다.

그럼에도불구하고, 이 빛의 굴절은 우리 태양계 내의 자기중심이 발견될 때만이 가장 정밀하게 관측되어진다. 만약 에너지와 자기력 사이에 아무런 척력도 작용치 않는다면, 당신의 모터는 돌지 않을 것이다. 그러므로, 빛은 자기중심에 의해 굴절되고 태양의 주위에서 구부러진다. 만약 당신이 적절한 장비만 가지고 있다면 자기중심의 반대쪽에서도 빛의 굴절을 관찰할 수 있을 것이다. 이것은 빛이 태양으로부터 멀어지려하기 때문입니다.

나는 공간의 굴절은 반과학적 사고라고 말하고 싶습니다. 원초적 공간은 무엇에 대해서도 상대적이지 않고 어떤 형태도 가지고 있지 않습니다. 이것은 구부러져있지도 않고 직선도 아니며, 어떤 차원도 가지고 있지 않고, 단순한 공간이며, 모든 방향으로 무한 대일 뿐이다. 관측자가 어디에 위치하든, 그의 앞에 놓여진 것은 무한 대의 우주일 뿐입니다.

그렇다면 물질에는 어떠한 제한도 없다고 생각할 수 있나요?

우주공간의 어디엔가 창조의 한계로 작용하는 지점이 있다면 그 곳은 신이 머무는 곳입니다. 그러나 신은 무한이며, 영원합니다. 우주는 신에게 있어 하나의 점과 같습니다. 오직 물질적 과학만이 창조의 한계를 갖습니다. 당신이 만약 한계를 생각한다면, 그 너머에서 당신은 무엇을 볼 수 있습니까?

아무것도 볼 수 없습니다.

진실로, 당신은 아무것도 가질 수 없습니다. 그러나 우주는 신에 의해 바뀐 것이 아무것도 없습니다. 물질 또한 아무것도 아닙니다. 만약 물질이 무엇인가로 구성되어있다면, 그것은 우주에 생명을 불어넣어주는 신성한 에너지입니다. 당신에게있어 물질은 실체이지요; 그러나 음극선을 그것을 통해 흘려보세요. 그것은 당신의 눈에서 사라질 것입니다. 당신은 단지 공간만을 볼 뿐입니다.

모든 형상은 우리의 감각이 느끼는 환상일 뿐입니다. 오직 한가지만이 실체입니다; 그것은 영혼입니다. 그리고 이것은 정확히 지구의 과학이 인정하지 않는 것입니다.

가장 원초적인 개념조차 실체와 완전히 불일치 한다는 것은 받아들이기 어려운 일이군요.

참으로, 인간의 나쁜 측면중의 하나는 그의 완고함과 고집입니다. 만약 내가 잘못알고 있다면, 나는 누군가 나를 깨우쳐줄 사람을 환영할 것입니다. 나를 믿으세요. 나는 당신에게 진실을 말하고 있습니다. 잘못을 옆으로 치워놓고 진실을 볼 때 누구나 고통을 느낄 수 있습니다.

그러나 상대성의 과학원리를 포기하기란 저에게 쉽지가 않습니다.

과학이 그것을 받아들이기는 힘들 것입니다. 또한 빛의 파동이론을 정착시킨 Herz와 Fresnel의 실험들을 버리기도 힘들 것입니다. 그러나 과학이 전자이론을 설명해야만 한다면,파동이론은 옆으로 물러나 있어야 합니다; 원자이론으로 들어가서는, 위치는 다시 바뀌어져 전자는 입자라고 말해야 하며, Plank의 이론으로 다시 돌아가야 합니다.

상대성을 버리기 전에, 우선 파동이론이나 확산이론이 진실인가를 결정해야 합니다. 빛의 진짜 속도를 확인하십시요. 행성간의 작용과 반작용을 확인하십시요. 절대 하나의 과학에서 두 가지의 해석을 사용하지 마세요, 한가지의 동일한 것을 설명하기 위해.

중력에 영향을 미치는 요소로 당신이 말씀하신 사항중에, 한가지 고려되어야 할 사항이 있습니다. 어떤 물체의 밀도가 중력에 영향을 미치는 것이 사실이라면, 공기가 상대적으로 희박한 산 꼭대기에서는 만약 철이라고 하면, 상대적으로 더 희박한 매질 안에서는, 더 무거워야 합니다. 그러나 그 반대이지 않습니까. 즉 더 높이 올라갈수록, 더 가벼워집니다.

나는 또한 그 행성을 둘러싸고 있는 에테르가 중력에 영향을 미친다고 말했습니다. 만약 해면고도에서 공기의 무게가 76 cm의 수은기둥의 무게와 같다고하면, 고도가 10 m 높아질 때마다 수은기둥은 약 1 mm 식 내려갑니다.

그러므로, 우리는 물체와 그 주변 매질의 압력에 밀도가 어떻게 작용하는가를 고려해야만 합니다. 대기압이 낮을수록, 무게는 가벼워집니다. 만약 중력이 자체로 존재하는 힘이고 공간중의 물체가 그에의해 지탱된다면, 유성들이 어떻게 일정한 괘도를 계속 유지하는지 지구상의 과학으로는 설명하기 힘듭니다. 매년 거의 같은 달에 지구는 수많은 운석과 충돌합니다. 이것은 그들이 한곳에 위치해 있다는 뜻입니다. 만약 중력의 법칙이란 것이 있다면, 운석들은 모두 지구상으로 향하거나, 아니면 벌써 태양에 의해 끌어당겨졌을 것입니다.

그러나, 에테르층을 무사히 통과해 지구에 떨어지는 것도 있지만 그렇지 않은것은 똑같은 장소에 머물러 있습니다. 그것들은, 태양계의 자기중심이 잡아당기는 힘과 태양의 밀어내는 힘 사이에서 균형을 이루고 있습니다. 중력이 존재한다면, 태양으로부터 인력이 작용해야하지만, 이것들은 존재하지 않습니다.

나의 설명이 만약 틀리다면, 진공중에서 떨어지는 물체들은 절대 같은 속도를 가질 수 없습니다.

토론을 위해, 중력이 실재한다고 가정해봅시다. 그러나 진공중에서 떨어지는 모든 물체는 같은 속도를 가지므로, 물질과 물질이 그들 상호간의 상대적 질량에따라 서로 잡아당긴다는 말은 더 이상 진실이 아닙니다. 이 물질이 진공중에 있지 않다고해도. 만약 이런 논리가 폐지된다면, 우주공간에 존재하는 물체는 그것의 질량에 관계없이 모두 태양의 중력-그것이 존재한다면- 에 의해 동일하게 이끌린다고 쉽게 생각할 수 있습니다. 그러나 지구상의 모든 천체물리학은 물체의 질량과 그들의 상호거리를 기준으로 계산하고 있습니다.

그러므로 당신의 우주에 대한 개념은 잘못되어져 있습니다. 그 외에도, 뉴톤이 중력의 존재를 생각했을 때, 그는 에테르의 존재 또한 상상했어야 합니다. 그러나 그는 그러한 힘을 상상할 수 없었습니다. 이것은 이상한 일이지만, 그 후, 상대성 이론은 에테르의 존재를 부정하고 중력의 존재를 인정했습니다. 그것은 중력의 발견자가 인정할 수 없는 것을 인정한 것입니다.

이런 식으로, 우리는 전혀 중력을 상쇄시키지 않습니다. 우리가 하는 것은 단지 자연의 힘을 이용하는 것 뿐입니다. 만약 우리의 비행체가 중력을 상쇄시키는 방법으로 날아다닌다면, 당신이 상상할 수 있듯이, 우리는 단지 한 방향으로만 움직일 수 있을 것입니다. 우리는 항상 지구의 회전방향에 반대되는 방향으로만 날아갈 수 있을 것입니다. 그리고 극 상공이나 부근에서는 비행이 불가능할 것입니다. 그 외에도, 우리는 1660km/hr 이상의 속도는 낼 수가 없을 것입니다.

자 이제, 우주선이 이렇게 느린 속도와 단지 한 방향만의 진행만으로 다른 행성으로부터 왔다는 것이 얼마나 어처구니 없는지 알 수 있겠지요. 이런 원반은 지구상의 비행기보다 훨씬 못한 것이며 그렇다면 우리는 당신으로부터 그 기동성과 빠른 비행방법에 대해 배우기위해 이 곳에 온 것일 겁니다.

빛의 지구에서

출처         참고



Overcoming Gravity

Q: Have you any objection to telling us about the problems of navigation in flying saucers?

A: None at all. It is obvious that interplanetary voyages will not be possible for people of Earth for some time to come, but we will give them a helping hand by showing you what takes place.

The atmospheric pressure on Earth is 1.033 kg. per sq. cm. If a sheet of paper is placed over the mouth of a glass full of water and turned upside down, the atmospheric pressure on the paper will prevent the water from being subject to the force of gravity and spilling out of the glass.

We use this natural atmospheric pressure in the flying saucer. It is this which gives us the necessary propulsive force.

If we maintain this pressure underneath the saucer and bring about a decompression on top, the craft will be given a terrific upward thrust which no known force can match.

Q: Please be more explicit, I do not quite understand the system you describe.

A: It is quite simple, my friend. We create a vacuum in the direction of travel. If we have low pressure on one side, the other side is subject to the full atmospheric pressure. Any object, whatever its nature, can only be moved if some difference of energy potential is created. For example, with a saucer of 20 m. diameter, we get pir radius cubed= 3,141,600 sq. cm. as the surface of the saucer.

With an atmospheric pressure of 1.033 kg. per sq. cm. we can calculate that the force operating on a saucer of 20 m. diameter is equal to 3,278,272.8 kg.

This gives you some idea of what is involved, even, the smallest type of saucer develops a thrust of approximately 3 million kg., whereas even your most powerful aeroplanes cannot develop more than a few thousand kilogrammes of thrust.





FIG. 5. Saucer in horizontal flight.

By maintaining the vacuum in the direction of its flight, the saucer can move at any speed and without creating any friction with the atmosphere. It is also very easy to manoeuvre, since this vacuum can be moved in any direction. The atmospheric pressure developed on a saucer of 65 ft. diameter is over 3,000 tons; in the case of a saucer 'with a diameter of 200 ft. the pressure developed would be some 30,000 tons. This, therefore, is a tremendous source of power, unequalled by any other natural phenomenon.

For those who are interested in communication with the spirits of the departed, we quote below an extract from the Spiritualist Review of 1859, which 'was translated into Portuguese and incorporated into a publication entitled Poitevin the aeronaut. At that time the possibility of reaching other planets by balloon was being investigated so in this book Allan Kardec invokes the spirit of Poitevin, ~ balloonist, and asks him about the future of this type of craft

Poitevin predicted that there was no great future for balloons, and that they were not suitable for space travel; later he went on to describe how a suitable craft might be constructed. "You did not ask me whether you would be able to visit other planets by this means. But this problem has given much food for thought, and its solution would fill your 'world 'with 'wonder. No, you will not succeed by this means.

You can imagine how long it would take to traverse the inconceivable vastness of space, when it takes light several years to travel the millions of millions of leagues, even if we were carried there by wind or steam But to get back to the main subject, I told you at the beginning that you should not expect too much from the present system, but that you will achieve far more by utilising the high and permanent pressure of the air. The fulcrum that you seek is always before you and encloses you on every side. You run up against it in your every move, it hinders your flight and acts on everything you touch. Meditate well on this and work on this revelation as much as you can, the possibilities are enormous."

Otto de Guericke was the first to notice the tremendous pressure of the atmosphere. It was in 1654 that he tried to pull two hemispheres apart in which he had created a vacuum. Not even the strength of sixteen horses could achieve this. Before this he had seen atmospheric pressure crush a copper boiler in which the pressure was low like a piece of paper. The movement of the air in the upper layers of the atmosphere supports this incredible pressure; if it were not for these we would be crusted by the volume of gas above us.

A great danger hangs over the Earth as a result of atomic explosions; the disturbance of these upper layers can cause torrential rainstorms, hurricanes and an unbelievable increase in the atmospheric pressure and in the intensity of solar radiation.

Saucers do not cancel out gravity, as was at first thought, but they derive their power from the atmospheric pressure itself.

This is why many people have been told that their source of energy was Nature herself. If saucers cancelled out gravity, they would only be able to move in one direction, and would still need a propellant to supply the power. Even supposing they did overcome gravity this way, they would still possess a certain 'weight in relation to the air, and the ensuing friction with the atmosphere 'would limit their speed considerably.

It should, therefore, be perfectly feasible to construct a saucer on Earth. Its covering could be made of any material, as there 'would be no friction with the atmosphere. They could be any shape although the saucer shape is the ideal one, since one half can take the full force of the atmospheric pressure, while the other is immersed in a vacuum. The speed and manoeuvrability of a cube shaped craft would be impaired owing to air resistance on its sides, which would consequently be subject to friction.

The saucer could not be fitted with glass windows, since the difference of pressure at various points of their surface would break them, which would create havoc inside the saucer. The saucer's "eyes" consist of television apparatus paced at various points on the outside of the craft, which relay to a screen in front of the pilot. This screen covers all directions simultaneously, and is therefore better than the human eye which can only take in a certain angle of vision at one time.

Unfortunately a craft of this type could be used in war, but it would also revolutionise our transport systems if it could be constructed on Earth. Distance would not be a factor, ships and trucks could be dispensed with, as loading and unloading could take place anywhere without having to build special landing fields.



In a standard transport saucer, this pressure would be much greater. With a craft of room. diameter, we would get a thrust of 78,540,000 kg. and with one of 200 m. diameter the thrust would be 314,160,000 kg.

There is no limit to the size or capacity of these craft. We construct big cargo carriers up to 600 m. diameter with a payload of almost 300 million kg.

This is more or less "theoretical because we never use the whole cargo carrying capacity of these giant freighters. If we did so, we would not have sufficient force available to develop high speeds.

When we undertake any interplanetary journey we use a low capacity craft. The size depends on the object of the visit. Generally saucers with a diameter of 20 metres are the handiest. These craft, fully equipped, weigh 250,000 kg. The total capacity of this craft would be 3 million kilos, but we use this margin of power to enable us to operate at high speeds.

A ship could never develop energy on this scale, not even atomic energy can compare with the forces of Nature. And Nature does it without poisoning the atmosphere! Is it clear to you now?

Q: I understand. What an extraordinarily simple process!

A: Yes, it is simplicity itself. It is just a question of knowing how. But it would not be complete unless I told you how we set about creating a vacuum externally. First I will explain to you how the saucer is steered. We can move this vacuum in. any direction. Course is set by operating an ordinary lever on a hemispherical mounting which moves the vacuum in the required direction. If we wish it to go in a particular direction, we produce a vacuum on that side of the saucer, and immediately the atmosphere produces a pressure on the opposite side pushing us in the direction of the vacuum. Let us imagine that we are moving in level horizontal flight, if we wish to make a right-angled turn, all we have to do is move the vacuum to the top, or to one of the other sides, and we shall move at the same speed in the new direction. We can change direction abruptly and do not need to describe curves. Do you understand now?

Q: Yes, I see the whole import of it. This can revolutionise all our concepts of aerial navigation. It is a diabolical piece of machinery.

A:It depends on the use to which it is put. I stlll have faith in humanity and promise that if one day you can agree to abolish war, I will personally come and help you achieve these results, and other more important ones. I shall teach you how to make life a paradise.

But as I was saying, we create a vacuum and, to use your words, a "diabolical" thrust. Friction, however, does not arise as we are always moving into a vacuum.

And without friction the craft does not heat up. We often need extra heating to keep ourselves warm, because the vacuum causes a drop in temperature.

There are no technical difficulties involved in producing an external vacuum. You know that cathode rays have the strange property of decomposing the atmosphere through which they pass. Under the action of these rays, the elements of the atmosphere revert to their etheric state. In addition to this we make cathode rays intersect the anode rays at an angle of 45 degrees. This we achieve by using high voltage and current.

Q: Where is the cathode ray apparatus situated?

A: All over the peripheral area. That is to say, the whole of the outer edge of the craft acts as a cathode ray emitter. These rays are deadly and can only be projected outwards. If a human being were to be exposed to rays as powerful as the ones we use, his cells would be destroyed, and he would suffer lethal burns.

But inside the craft there is less radioactivity than in the air that is breathed on Earth.

The coloration that saucers appear to give off in flight is caused by these rays, the same thing happens in a Crookes or Geissler tube. They are a result of the low pressure or vacuum that we create. If we wish to go very fast, we use an absolute vacuum, and move through space in a flash. At other times, we use a semi-vacuum, and we move more slowly. The intensity of the vacuum is proportional to the current used and is controlled by a rheostat. If we want to follow an undulating course we use a pulsing current.

When we are using a semi-vacuum, you observe a luminosity around us at night; but if we are using an absolute vacuum we become invisible because light does not exist in a vacuum." This is the reason why people always say that we appear to be stationary and suddenly vanish and appear in another spot.

I must admit that other methods are also used, such as the bismuth system, which is still used on some craft to set up a difference of energy potential, in fact this was the system we used to use at first. (The captain described this other process to us, but as it was a complex one we would rather not repeat it here.)

After having travelled around for some time in these bismuth crates, a Being from another planet explained to us how to use a simpler method. Now they are only used for space travel by enthusiasts as a kind of sport, just as you still use sailing boats.

That, my friend, is how you can make a craft as fast as, or even faster than, a flash of lightning.

 (*23) A diminution of the pressure in cathode ray tubes causes the light in them to disappear. Light therefore is an atmospheric effect, and if it were possible for us to live in a vacuum we would be in darkness.

 Q:I filly accept the explanation you have given Of course, a craft which could create an external vacuum should have great manoeuvrability; motive power and payload. It appears to me, however, that this system would not be very good for getting away from the Earth. It is easy to manoeuvre as long as there is atmospheric pressure. But at a certain height, unless our calculations are basically wrong, this pressure goes down to nothing. I would like you to talk frankly about the method you use to escape from the Earth, because what you have told us so far is only part of the answer.

A: You are forcing me to elucidate a vital point, which I would have preferred not to tell you. once you know this, we shall no longer have any security and would run serious risks due to man's innate love of conquest. But no one can refuse to tell the truth when he is asked. I will tell you everything, but you must promise to keep secret the means by which we produce this force.

Q: Does this mean that I am not to tell it to other people?

A: Of course. If there were nothing in what I have to tell you I would not be imposing conditions. But you must use your own judgment. I cannot forbid you passing on to others information which could contribute to the well-being of the community. But I insist that the information that I give you concerning means of destruction must be kept for yourself only. What I want to tell you could bring destruction even to us as it would make it possible for you to reach our homeland. The menace that hangs over the world as a result of human technological development would be upon us, and it might turn men into devils. If you approve of the other things I tell you, you may talk about them and carry them out. And if at any time any technical difficulties should arise, I shall be ready to help you solve them. It is sufficient for you to call upon me in thought, and I shall know, even at a distance.

 Friendship does not impose conditions, and generosity ought to be our universal motto.

I also ask you that if one day you should want to make use of this information for the good of the world, you should first tell your own people, as the Brazilians are not aggressive and abhor war. Do not try to explain the problem to anyone who could make one of these craft into a weapon of mass destruction.

However, if your people do not attach any importance to the information, you should publish it as you see fit. You should do this without any restrictions, so that all men know it and no one nation can gain an advantage over another.

Now I will satisfy your curiosity, but first please pay special attention to certain details which I have told you. Around every inhabited globe in space there is an etheric fluid which envelops it and creates suitable conditions for life.

It is a temporary habitat, not only for men but also for spirits. No one can escape from it unless he knows how to produce another for his use.

Q: Are spirits also caught within this etheric envelope?

A: Yes. A spirit inhabiting a planet has a fluid body surrounding it. A spirit who is still bound by matter to any extent, cannot live without it. If it attempts to escape from its particular world, its spirit body leaves it and is re-assimilated into the etheric envelope of the planet. Thus, even spirits are prisoners for as long as they are unable to reject evil, and remain ignorant.

Many people call this fluid "ether," but the label is of little importance. It is a question of words, which does not affect the problem. What is important is to know what it is made of

We could well call it" electric fluid," which would be nearer the truth. In electricity there is a negative charge, and a positive charge. In physics we have protons and anti-protons, mesons and anti-mesons, electrons and anti-electrons, matter and anti-matter. on Earth we only find matter, yet it is possible to create anti-matter.

A body made of anti-matter would be expelled from matter. The force of repulsion would be unbelievable. There are interplanetary vessels which are composed entirely of anti-matter, but the force-field created by this means has a terrifying effect on the physical properties of the people travelling in them.

For this reason our space ships are made of matter.

Further, we make our own etheric fluid inside the saucer, and by changing its polarity so as to oppose that of the Earth we are repelled from the planet at a speed corresponding to the difference in polarity between the saucer and the Earth.

A knowledge of magnetic fields is required. You on Earth do not yet define them correctly, but we know that the magnetic field is made up of the "electric fluids' of the planet. If we "manufacture" an electric fluid which differs from the terrestrial etheric 'envelope, the magnetic field of the Earth no longer affects us, and we enjoy complete freedom of movement. We can change direction in a way that amazes you, we can move at the speed of light and suffer no ill effects. It is a complete breaking of the shackles which bind man.

Within the Earth's atmosphere we always use a vacuum system, but when we leave this atmosphere we put the anti-electron producing machinery into action, and our escape velocity is then phenomenal. Without wishing to terrify you, I can tell you that normally we can reach Mars in a matter of minutes, unless there is a breakdown, and then the trip becomes tedious.

When you entered our craft I called your attention to the different kind of light inside which did not emanate from any particular piece of machinery, but was caused by the air itself being luminous. You also noticed an agreeable, almost spiritual feeling of lightness, a state of near levitation, as well as a feeling of great well-being.

At that time you were in an artificial etheric atmosphere and not the ordinary Earth atmosphere. When one's eyes are accustomed to seeing the terrestrial ether, the artificial ether appears luminous.

Without this artificial ether no interplanetary voyage is possible. If you tried to make a journey without this precaution, you would face certain death. The fluid which binds you to your bodies would leave you, and your bodies would instantly be crystallised. This is the mystery of the crystallised bodies which reach the Earth in the form of meteorites, any body in space without ether undergoes this process, whether it be made of carbon, calcium, iron, nickel, or any other element.

After passing out of the magnetic field of the Earth, all we need to do is to create an ether similar to that of the planet to which we are travelling, and we will then be attracted by it. We can create this ether of another planet even on Earth, so that we will be repelled from Earth and attracted to the other planet whose ether is contained within the saucer.

On reaching that planet, we need only to change the ether again to propel ourselves once more into space.

By this means life can be maintained inside the craft whatever its construction, and at the same time it provides us with a means of locomotion.

Q:I think I understand the system, it is rational enough, but the difficulty would appear to lie in making and changing this "electric fluid" as required.

A: You are wrong there. In Nature nothing is difficult. Things are only difficult for those who make them so. Let us go back to what I told you about an electron being a wave and not a particle. one of your physicists said, correctly, that an electron is an integration of electro-magnetic waves. But an electro-magnetic wave can be of positive or negative polarity. If we were to send electro-magnetic pulses between magnets, the waves thus produced would create an ether different from that on Earth. A variation in the distance between the plates would bring about a modification in the ether produced. That is what you wanted to know in clear and simple terms. I cannot tell you more clearly than that.

Q: Is very much electrical energy required to bring about this effect?

A: Everything is relative. on our saucer, the voltage and current are very high indeed. on a small craft used for research, very little current would be needed.

Q: Where do you get this energy from to achieve these results?

A: There are various means of making it. It can be obtained by turning hydrogen into helium at low temperature and bombarding deuterium with heavier mesons, releasing a fabulous amount of energy; or by using ultra rays in an acid solution saturated with helium nuclei. The latter process is the most usual.

 Q: How does the transformation of ultra rays into useable energy take place?

 A: If you allow radioactivity to pass through a magnetic field you will get alpha, beta and gamma rays. The first are helium nuclei, the second are electrons and the third are gamma rays which are similar to ultra rays in their electro-magnetic content. These three components of radioactivity are related.

The ultra rays, or gamma rays, on passing close to helium nuclei, bring about a deformation of space and give birth to electrons until their wave energy is expended. Thus when gamma rays pass through an acid solution saturated with helium nuclei, the newly created electrons gyrate around the nuclei, but the acid prevents them from joining up with the nuclei, and they are collected on plates at the bottom of the apparatus. This provides an inexhaustible supply of energy which requires nothing more than a little acid solution and some helium nuclei.

There are, however, other means. on an interplanetary journey something might go wrong with the apparatus we use for transforming hydrogen into helium and the gamma ray collecting apparatus. If this should happen we would turn to solar energy. We would pass it through a tube of coal gas. This gas, with a suitable catalyst, unites with water, turning it into formaldehyde. This product is then oxidised giving us coal-gas and water again.

In this second process solar energy is turned into useable electric current, which is quite sufficient to meet our immediate requirements, as on interplanetary voyages there is no lack of propulsive energy for the craft. The laws of inertia provide us with the necessary acceleration to reach the planet that is our objective.

Q: So that explains the whole operation of the saucer?

A: Yes, that is how it moves. We have, however, several navigational instruments, as you were able to see. Supposing you had to explain to somebody how a jet plane moves, you would naturally say that a backward thrust is exerted which impels the craft in a forward direction. That would be true, but inside the plane there are many navigational instruments.

If I were to begin to talk to you about the equipment we use for detecting the etheric covering of planets, that alone would take us some three hours. The instrument we use for interplanetary communication is also complex; it is based on principles that you already know of, but have not put into practice.

The most important scientific discoveries are still to be made in the simplest things. The secret lies in concentrating on the main issue without going into abstract formulae.

With a formula you can explain a phenomenon but you cannot discover it. In science we have to try to discover things, even though everything may already appear to have been discovered. To bring formulae into the calculation merely complicates something that was previously simple.

How would your formulae help to show that a difference of energy potential could be produced between the atmospheric pressure and a vacuum, thus producing a thrust. If you had discovered this, it would not have to be proved. The craft itself would have been sufficient demonstration. Anything else is academic pedantry.

Terrestrial science does not accept anything which cannot be proved mathematically, and is then only accessible to the few. I can assure you that many brilliant ideas have been shelved for the sole reason that their originators were not sufficiently versed in mathematics to supply the necessary proofs. This kills the spirit of research in a world where so much is yet to be discovered.

Q: We supposed, hitherto, that the saucer simply cancelled out the effect of gravity.

A: You supposed something that doesn't exist. Gravity is no more than a wrong interpretation of a combination of phenomena.

Q: What? Doesn't gravity exist?

A: It does not exist. What science calls gravity is a question of a difference in the density of bodies. To explain; the smoke of your cigar is heavier than the surrounding air. Yet, it rises as the result of warmth. That is to say the difference in density is compensated for by the temperature of the smoke. Therefore, two factors are at work which can influence this phenomenon; density and temperature.

 We can see that a balloon full of hydrogen gas rises, according to the volume of the gas. The same thing happens with helium. That is to say, bodies of lesser density always tend to rise, in the same way that water and oil separate, due to density: Gravity does not prevent bodies of lesser density from rising. Whereas in air, which is of low density, heavy objects fall rapidly, in water-more dense than air-they fall more slowly. The third factor influencing gravity is the mass of atmosphere and ether surrounding a planet; this can, however, be included in the factor of density. It is wrong to attribute greater or lesser gravity to a planet without knowing the extent of its gaseous mass and the density of its atmosphere. on Saturn, for example, owing to the absence of atmosphere, gravity is considered zero. on Jupiter, which has a very rarefied atmosphere, it is quite different. A falling body has a high initial acceleration and then it collides with the low density of the planet. on Mercury, however, where the etheric covering extends more than 6oo,ooo km., atmospheric pressure is high and gravity is tremendous.

The fourth factor influencing gravity is the vertical component of magnetism. However, the attraction it exerts on a body is, with small variations, the same as that on any other body. Thus it is that the speed of fall in a vacuum is constant. However, this attraction is not due to mass, it is caused by the magnetism with which the whole body is endowed.

Lastly, we have the energy that exerts pressure upon the Universe and penetrates our systems of galaxies, of which I spoke to you earlier. As a body cannot be subject to pressure in all directions, the Earth always shielding it from this pressure on one side, the body feels a difference in the forces acting upon it and falls to the surface of the Earth.

This tremendous universal pressure, which is the result of the vibration of God on the infinite point of the Universe, is what maintains the atmosphere of the planets.'

As the atmospheric pressure has the fabulous power we use to propel our saucers, and as the tendency of gases is towards continual expansion, the whole of the gaseous envelope surrounding a planet would expand into the vacuum were it not maintained by constant pressure.

When Newton saw the apple fall, he could not guess that in that moment he witnessed the effect of the divine presence in the Universe. Thus it is that we move and have our being in God.

Gravity is, then, a combination of phenomena and never an individualised force.

Q: Why does heat affect gravity?

A: Because it reduces the magnetic force of bodies. You can prove that a magnet loses its properties on being heated. As matter is made up of stationary waves, heat has a powerful influence on them. By increasing the frequency of these waves they begin to give off light. Moreover, it is well known that heat reduces the density of a body. Accordingly, it tends to rise. This can best be seen in the case of boiling water.

The warmer water tries to place itself above the cooler, producing currents. We note that heat is a factor which affects gravity, not because it is itself an agent causing the phenomena of gravity, but because it influences magnetism and density.

Q: Does this mean that our science is wrong?

A: Very wrong.

Q: Then all our physics, including relativity, fall to the ground?

A: only the fallacious principles fall to the ground. Others will certainly remain valid. Does it seem strange to you that this should happen? Ptolemy was a genius, but his entire system collapsed like a pack of cards. The same thing happened with Aristotle. In turn, Isaac Newton came up with the physics of relativity, and its days are numbered.

Q: But relativity provided an explanation for the irregularity in the orbit of Mercury.

A: It could give an explanation, it remains to be seen whether it is rational.

But even supposing it were, we need to see whether it corresponds with the method Nature uses. We can advance a thousand rational hypotheses, whereas Nature makes use of only one, rejecting the other , however rational they may be; or again, it may not even make use of any of them.

Relativity contains certain erroneous elements which in themselves can be called rational, but which Nature, according to the view of Sir James Jeans, appears to disregard. For example, it is an accepted mechanical theory that if two rays move in the same direction at the same speed, their velocity in relation to one another is nil; but if they move in opposite directions, the velocity of the one in relation to the other is 2V. However, in order to cope with certain difficulties in his system, Einstein affirmed that whether the rays move in one direction or another, the velocity between them is always V.

It is not necessary to have much imagination to see that this principle is false. In order to justify this fallacy, Einstein invented another, greater one; he attributed a space and a time appropriate to each moving body, according to its speed. But as one error leads mankind to another greater one, he had now to produce a third idea in order to justify the second; he set confines to the Universe, marking out a particular space for us. But Nature disregards imaginary enclosures, and our desire that the Universe should conform to our particular points of view, as well as our carefully thought out ideas. Throughout she behaves as though she were ignorant of Hamilton's calculus and the importance which Earth people attach to formulae.

 In short, you can see that the frontiers proposed by Einstein were too narrow to contain what is by nature infinite. Space is indivisible and time is non-existent. The latter is merely a convention based on the movement of the stars. It is merely an effect.

If the movement of a body, or the acceleration of a mass, is due to force, time is then an effect of the force and the latter' is the cause. But if the force varies and is consumed, time will vary accordingly. Now, as space is a constant, it is difficult to imagine how you could create a time/space constant, let alone regard it as a dimension in itself. This is an example of Nature disregarding these things. If one multiplies two dimensions one gets the area; if one multiplies area by height, one gets the volume; now, if one multiplies this volume by a fourth dimension, one only gets nonsense. In space, a body does not travel in four, three, two one dimension,because space, being infinite, has no dimensions whatsoever. We can, at the most, say that a body obeys a direction of stress when it moves from point A to point B.

Up to a point Einstein was right in saying that a moving body in space has its own time, because when one leaves the Earth there is a change in what is conventionally known as terrestrial time; but basically he was wrong. Time is based on the period a moving body takes to return to its point of departure, and is thus the result of a circular movement. He made a further mistake when he assumed that every moving body created a space of its own and peculiar to itself.

The precession of Mercury's perhelions, which gave rise to this theory, is due to the planet's proximity to the Sun. As it moves closer to the Sun, it receives more light, rotates more rapidly and moves through space with greater speed.

Q: Well, then, what about the curvature of light, obseryed by Eddington, Crommelin and Davidson during the eclipse of the Sun on May 29th, 1919, which formed part of Einstein's theory?

 A: The curvature of light is not due to the action of the mass of the Sun, but is caused by the magnetic centre of the system situated near the Sun. Even within a solenoid you can see that a stream of electrons is deflected by a magnetic field. There is nothing new in this. If light were to be deflected when passing close to a mass, this phenomenon could be clearly observed in the vicinity of planets, let us say Mars, when it is close to Earth. Eclipses of the Moon, for example, would provide the best opportunity for such observation.

Nevertheless, this curvature was only seen precisely where the magnetic centre of our system is to be found. If there were no repulsion between energy and magnetism, your motors would not turn. Therefore, light is deflected by the magnetic centre and curves round the Sun. If you had proper apparatus, you would see that light also curves on the side opposite the centre, as though it were trying to get away from the Sun.

I wish to imply that the curvature of space is anti-scientific. Primordial space is not relative to any thing and has no form at all. It is neither a curve nor a straight line, and it has no dimensions, it is simply space, infinite in all directions. Wheresoever an observer may place himself, he will always have before him the infinite Universe.

Q: Then no limit can be conceived to matter?

A: If in space there should be a point that could serve as a limit to creation, there God would be contained. But God is infinite, and the Universe is a point to Him. only a materialistic science could limit creation. If you conceive a limit, what would you then have beyond it?

Q: I should say, nothing.

A: Truly, you would have nothing. But space is nothing transformed by God. Matter also is nothing. If it comprises anything, it is the divine energy that brought life to space. To you matter is something; but make a stream of cathode rays pass through it and it will disappear from your view. You will only see space.

All that appears is an illusion of our senses. only one thing is real; that is Spirit, and that is exactly what earthly science does not admit.

Q: It is hard for us to learn that our most cherished concepts are completely at variance with reality.

A: Indeed, one of the bad aspects of man is his obstinacy. If I had erred for an eternity, I would welcome the day when someone would enlighten me. Believe me, l'am telling you the truth. What pain can anyone feel by putting error aside and seeing the truth.

Q: But it is difficult for us to abandon the science of relativity.

A: It will be difficult for science, also, to abandon the experiments of Hertz and Fresnel, who settled upon the wave theory of light. However, when science has to explain electronic theory, the wave theory is put aside; when atomic theory is in question, it turns things upside down and says that the electron is a particle, and has recourse to Planck's theory.

Before abandoning relativity, first decide whether the wave theory or the emission theory is true. Verify the true speed of light. Determine the action and reaction of the planetary system. Never use two interpretations in one science, in order to explain the same thing.

Q: I have noted the factors which you say affect gravity, but there is a case which should be considered. If it is true that the density of bodies affects gravity, on the top of a mountain the air is more rarefied so that iron, for example, being in a more attenuated medium, should weigh more. However, the contrary is the case, the higher one goes, the less it weighs.

A: But I told you also that gravity is affected by the mass of ether surrounding the planet. If the weight of the atmosphere, at sea level, is equivalent to a column of mercury of 76 cm. for each 10 m. of altitude the column falls about 1 mm.

Thus, we must consider the pressure which bodies undergo as a function of their density. The lower the atmospheric pressure, the less is the weight. If gravity were a force with its own attributes and it was that which supported bodies in space, it would be rather difficult for earthly science to explain why meteors are maintained in their orbits. Every year Earth collides with millions of meteorites, always in the same month. This means that they are located in one place. Now, if there were a law of gravitation, they would either all come towards Earth, or already have been attracted by the Sun.

However, those which succeed in penetrating the mass of ether fall to Earth and the others remain in the same place. They are, then, in balance between the magnetic attraction of the centre of the system and the repulsive force of the Sun. For terrestrial gravity to exist, there would have to be solar attraction, but neither of these exist.

If my reasoning were incorrect, bodies in a vacuum would never have the same speed of fall.

For the sake of argument, let us suppose that gravity exists. But if all bodies in a vacuum fall with equal velocity, it ceases to be true that matter attracts matter in direct proportion to their respective mass, at least not if this matter is in a vacuum. If this premise is demolished, it is easy to see that if a vacuum exists between the celestial bodies, solar gravitation-if it exists-should attract all bodies equally, independently of their mass. But all terrestrial astronomy is based on the mass of bodies and their distance from one another.

Therefore your conception of the cosmos is wrong. Besides, when Newton supposed a gravitational force to exist, he had to imagine the existence of an ether. He could not conceive of this force without there being a vehicle for it. And it is strange that, later, relativity denies the ether and yet approves of gravity. it admits what the discoverer of gravity himself could not admit.

This being the case, we do not cancel out gravity at all. All we do is to utilise the forces of Nature. if our craft flew on the basis of cancelling out gravity, as you suppose, we would only move in one direction. We would always fly against the Earth's rotation, and it would be impossible to fly with it, or anywhere near the poles. Besides, we would be limited to the insignificant speed of 1,660 km. per hour.

Now, it is laughable to imagine a craft coming from another planet with such low velocity and with only one directional movement. Such a saucer would be much inferior to terrestrial aircraft and it would be a case of our coming to learn from you something about manoeuvrability and how to fly faster.




 지구는 어떻게 태양에 빨려들지 않았나

[연합뉴스 2010-01-08 11:04]
(서울=연합뉴스) 갓 태어난 미약한 지구가 거대한 태양에 빨려들지 않고 지금의
자리를 차지하게 된 까닭은 46억년 전 지구가 형성될 당시 태양 주변 공간에 큰 온 도 차이가 있었기 때문이라는 새로운 연구가 나왔다고 스페이스 닷컴이 보도했다.

지구와 같은 행성들이 형성되는 과정은 별 주변의 가스와 먼지 구름이 응축되면
서 미행성체(planetesimals)를 이루고 미행성체들이 뭉쳐 행성을 형성하는 것으로 알려져 있지만 행성 이동의 고전적인 패턴에 따르면 미행성체 단계에서 중심별에 빨려들 수 밖에 없다.

미국 뉴욕 자연사 박물관 연구진은 이런 역설적인 현상을 설명하기 위해 새로운
모델 실험을 한 결과 행성 형성과 이동에 관한 고전적 가설은 중심별 주변 원시 행 성 원반 전체의 온도를 똑같게 보는 문제가 있다는 것을 발견했다.

그러나 실제로는 이 원반은 불투명하기 때문에 열을 우주로 방출해 쉽사리 온도
를 식히지 못하며 이에 따라 곳에 따라 온도 차이가 생긴다는 것이다.

연구진은 이런 점을 고려해 다양한 온도 차이가 있는 새로운 모델을 만들었으며
그 결과 행성들이 태양을 향하지 않고 바깥 쪽으로 이동한다는 사실을 발견했다.

즉 이처럼 바깥을 향한 움직임이 태양 쪽으로 향하는 움직임을 상쇄시켜 중력의
평형 상태를 이룸으로써 태양에 빨려들지 않고 살아 남게 됐다는 것이다.

연구진은 원반 내부에서 각기 안쪽과 바깥 쪽으로 향하는 힘이 만나 평형지대가
생기는데 행성이 이런 지대를 만나면 그 곳에 정착하게 되는 것으로 보이며 그 후에는 원반이 소멸돼 더 이상 행성을 당기거나 밀만한 중력이 남아있지 않게 된다고 설명했다.

이들은 오늘날 우리가 보는 행성들은 모두 이렇게 살아 남은 것으로 보인다고

이 연구는 7일 미국 천문학회 회의에서 발표됐다.

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