
[스크랩] 중요한 정보 업데이트 (4)

자유지향 2024. 9. 23. 04:54


중요한 정보 업데이트 (4) - 9/22/2024


번역을 통해 읽으세요.



This is gonna piss off a lot of people, but I don’t really care. The TRUTH is more important than anyone’s “feelings” about anything.
You’ve heard it here first, here we go:
2) TWC towers were build specifically to be demolished in a satanic ritual exactly 33 later.
3) 9/11 was a COLOSSAL INSURANCE AND SECURITIES SCAM orchestrated by Blackrock and its KIKE cronies - Warren Buffet, Berkshire Hathaway, Mike Blumberg, Bibi Satanyahu, Bush Sr. & Jr., Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Leiman Brothers, and many other KIKE-controlled corporations.
4) WTC was owned and administered by the NY Port Authority. In order to steal the insurance money from New York city, the KIKES forced the NY Port Authority to give JEW Larry Silverstein ownership of WTC for $99 Million 6 weeks earlier, then got $4.2 BILLION payout. Jew Larry Silverstein was a buddy of Donald Trump.
5) WTC buildings were HOLLOW, the majority of the floors undeveloped and unoccupied.
6) The very few corporations that had offices in the TWC were mostly intelligence - US  and Israeli. These offices were vacated two months before Israeli intelligence wired the towers for DEMOLITION.
7) The debris pile did not have any chairs, desks, computers, phones or any office equipment. Two towers of 100+ floors each produced only a few refrigerators in the debris pile.

8) At this point you should already know that there were no planes hitting the WTC towers.
9) The 9/11 “truth” commission was an Israeli controlled operation to suppress evidence contrary to the narrative.
10) George W. Bush publicly lied when the said that he watched the first tower “get hit” on TV - that was days before low-quality CGI was introduced to the public.
11) While the DEMOLITION was in progress, who’s who of the American KIKE ELITE were gathered together to celebrate the DEMOLITION and watch it on TV at the Offut Air Force base near Omaha, Nebraska. The DEMOLITION PARTY was organized by Warren Buffet and Bush later that day flew from Florida to Nebraska to join the TWC DEMOLITION CELEBRATION  in the midst of a purported “islamic terrorist attack”.
12) Everyone who is anyone on Wall Street was involved in the 9/11 plot - they managed to steal upwards of $40 BILLION from the American people in just a couple of days.
13) During the DEMOLITION the towers were empty - there are no 3000 people dead just like no one died in Sandy Hoax “massacre”.
14) Researches have found that 80+% of the people cited as “victims” cannot be traced, have never existed, there are no records about them, and their “relatives” giving interviews on TV were all crisis actors.
15) The people seen running on the streets covered in ash were not people coming out of the WTC. The KIKES and their JESUIT co-conspirators had closed all bridges around Lower Manhattan, so the people we saw walking “away” were actually people who did not work in Lower Manhattan.
16) Larry Silverstein made plans to BUILD-BACK-BETTER the TWC in 2000 - a whole year before the DEMOLITION.

17) The US Air Force was involved in the 9/11 hoax as evidenced by organizing a “drill” for that same day and failing to scramble jets to New York for over 1 hour, while their usual response time is 10 min.
18) Researchers have confirmed that none of the “dead” passengers ever existed in life either and the flights were faked with specific satanic numbers. The video shown of the “terrorist” boarding was proven to be from a year earlier in a completely different state.
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19) There was no debris from jets found in the WTC debris pile. All “calls” from the airplanes were fake recordings, as numerous researchers have confirmed that these cellular calls were not technologically possible at that time, not possible even today at the same altitude.
20) There was no debris from a jet found at the Pennsylvania crash site and the impact location was poorly orchestrated.
21) The Pentagon was hit by a missile, I’ve posted the original video of it. There was no debris from a jet found at the Pentagon too.
22) Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11 as he was very close friends with the Bushes and the Bushes and Bin Ladens were partners in multiple businesses for many decades. Osama Bin Laden was the CIA agent Tim Osman.
23) The official statistic is 265 firefighters died on 9/11, 2+6+5 = 13 = UNITY OF MASONS. Have you ever wondered why firefighters and police officers are all Freemasons? Because they swear an oath to keep the secrets of all the hoaxes and false flags you’ve been terrorized with - they get paid for it handsomely. Any firefighter who still says his colleague died ON 9/11 must be hanged from a lamp post, for the fucking criminal he is. There were no firefighters walking up the stairs of the WTC or having “perished” in the rubble. Fuck these Freemason and Shriner cabalist faggots and their Jewish and Jesuit pedophile captains.

You are being coerced into observing a satanic ritual every year. 9/11 was orchestrated as a traumatizing mind control exercise, so Americans voluntarily give up their freedoms and subject themselves to be controlled by INBRED PSYCHOPATHS, because of “islamic fundamentalism” we were told, which is in actuality JEWISH ZIONIST FUNDAMENTALISM AND JEWISH ZIONIST TERROR.
If that wasn’t enough, THE HOUSING CRISIS AND STOCK MARKET CRASH OF 2008 WAS A KIKE HOAX TOO. Wall Street and banksters made ENORMOUS PROFITS while Americans were forced out of their PAID IN FULL homes by schizophrenic PSYCHOPATHS. Information on the 2008 hoax coming soon.
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