
Black Holes

자유지향 2008. 5. 16. 13:48


Extreme Physics of Black Holes - Part 1




Extreme Physics of Black Holes - Part 2



Project Universe - Black Holes (1 of 4)



Project Universe - Black Holes (2 of 4)




Project Universe - Black Holes (3 of 4)


Project Universe - Black Holes (4 of 4)



Project Universe - The Big Bang (1 of 3)



Project Universe - The Big Bang (2 of 3)




Project Universe - The Big Bang (3 of 3)



Universe: Black Holes: Creation & Consumption of Galaxies




God & the Myth of the Big Bang


'자료' 카테고리의 다른 글

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어떤 편지  (0) 2008.05.19
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Electric Universe  (0) 2008.05.16