
[스크랩] 로지 잭슨의 새책 소개: 평화의 우화들

자유지향 2020. 2. 16. 13:25

로지 잭슨의 새책 소개: 평화의 우화들 

바보가 어떻게 신이 되는가, 그리고 다른 이야기들









What do the stories INSIDE THE MARBLE and THE ROOF and THE EMERGENCY BRAKE have in common? Like the other 53 stories in this volume, they are “peace parables”, so named because they help to promote peace. They instil in us a desire to improve our behaviour, not only for our own benefit, but for the common good, enabling us to co-create a peaceful world.

This book contains 56 “peace parables”. Most of these are descriptions of visions received during meditation by the author, Rosie Jackson. Some are adaptations of messages received telepathically from the angel, Seraphin, with whom the author is in frequent contact.

one of the most famous storytellers is the soul we call Jesus. Parables are an excellent way of teaching, as they entertain and educate people of various paths simultaneously, without raising an accusing finger. No one is addressed personally. It is up to readers to draw their own conclusions.

All these parables are designed to assist readers on their spiritual journey, opening up new vistas, opportunities and directions. The stories provide insights, shake up superstitions, encourage heroic acts, expose corruption, pinpoint slave mentalities, reveal debilitating dependence, revive creative powers, invite reassessment of the “status quo”, reveal downward spirals, discourage materialism, denounce arrogance, inspire love of nature and foster true values.

The stories entertain and educate, urging us to search for better solutions, to clarify our choices, to increase our compassion and recognise our interconnection. They illuminate dangerous domino effects at large in our society today. They expose narrowmindedness and blind allegiance. Most importantly, the stories show us “another way”, preparing us to be flexible in the face of great change, and forcing us to reflect upon that which is of supreme importance - our life’s purpose.





출처: 한국 AH(http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/)

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